Quick actions

Product designer, Stash

In 2023, front-end teams at Stash discovered that as the app evolved, it became increasingly challenging for customers to manage their portfolios. 

There were pitfalls within key user flows that prevented customers from realizing the app’s full value, as well as basic actions like transferring money in and out of their accounts. Consequently, customers began to churn from the app, citing it as confusing and unnavigable.

This began the concept of “Quick Actions”: easily accessible options to manage the money in one’s account.

We identified all instances of money movement within the app and recorded our experiences using them:

Fig.1-5: Existing money movement flows, both automated and manual.

Fig. 6: Observations from the team regarding each type of flow.

We discovered that the confusion surrounding these flows stemmed not only from difficulties in accessing them, but also from users' inability to distinguish between different them and their intended purposes.
Proposed solutionStreamlining these flows while leaning on other front-end teams to ensure seamless touchpoints throughout the app.

Each of these money movement flows affected different areas of the app which were in various stages of development. By leaning on other front-end teams whose focus were in those areas, we were able to outline the following objectives for this project: 

Streamlining flows